I have to admit, when i was younger i was a Trekkie.
A really trekkie Trekkie.
Seriously. I had a uniform (Early DS9, Gold shoulders, rockin' it Chief O'Brien style), i devoured the novels, i spent every evening watching the various incarnations on BBC 2 at 6pm.
I was livin' long and prospering.
Then came the Jar Jar Abrams reboot, which frankly killed my enthusiasm stone dead. The heroes i'd grown up with were made into caricatures, Kirk went from brave leader to sex pest hiding under the beds of cadets, the ship had a fugly makeover and installed a brewery drive and Leonard Nimoy sold out to have one last leg over William Shatner.
And the less said of the sequel, Into Dumbness, the better.
So the franchise that had dominated my youth was now dead to me and i moved on.
Until a week ago.
I'd been pestered by a friend who'd just discovered Star Trek for himself, rejoicing in the Romulans, to try Star Trek Attack Wing.
I was aware of the game, along with the donor of it's ruleset, X-Wing, but hadn't spared much thought over it. Like i said, the world of Warp Drives and Dilithium Crystals was closed for me.
But never underestimate the power of nagging.
So last Friday i gave in, nipped to my nearest Waterstones and grabbed the starter set. Taking it to the till, i was fully expecting to spend the next month berating my friend over my purchase.
I broke out the set, grabbed the quick start rules and enlisted my son in playing out a few games.
And boom. I'm hooked.
Before i knew it i was rendezvousing with Riker, dodging disruptors with Data and have an absolute blast. A one of purchase quickly ended up with another visit to the store, grabbing an Enterprise and a K'Tinga before beginning round two.
I cannot stress how good the game system is enough. I'll be doing a full review in the near future, but if you haven't tried out Attack Wing or X-Wing i urge you to do so at you earliest opportunity. It's fantastic.
So that's it then. The pointed ears are being dusted off and the phaser is being reset to stun.
I'll leave you with a shot of my Federation "fleet" (Do two ships count as a fleet?) and thank Wizkids for restoring part of my childhood.
Until next time, i remain
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-pope.
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